Andrew S. Pepper1
(1) BP Upstream Technology Group, Houston, TX
ABSTRACT: Petroleum Systems in Compressional and Transtensional/ Transpressional Basins
Purely extensional systems tend to have relatively simple burial histories in which the source rock experiences increasing burial and thermal stress, driving progressive generation and expulsion. An understanding of how petroleum systems operate in compressional and transtensional / transpressional basins presents a much more significant challenge in terms of understanding the full cycle (and sometimes multiple cycles) of burial and exhumation.
Essentially, issues in understanding the access to charge in these settings can be divided into three areas: the burial / exhumation history of (1) the fold belt and (2) its foreland basin in the compressional domain; and (3) switches in burial / exhumation during transtension / transpression.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado