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David G Peace1, Mike Johnson2

(1) NRSC Exploration Services, Farnborough, United Kingdom
(2) Spectrum Energy & Information Technology Ltd, Woking, Surrey, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT: Structural Styles and Associated Natural Oil Seeps in the Eastern Mediterranean

" Structural Styles & Associated Natural Oil Seeps in the Eastern Mediterranean"

The offshore Eastern Mediterranean region from Egypt north to Southern Turkey is not well explored. The the main activity being in the Nile Delta and more recently offshore Israel. Significant discoveries have been made in both areasover the last two years.

Earlier successful offshore oil seep detection work by NRSC in the greater Nile Delta region had suggested the presence of a deeper oil source further out into the Mediterranean, but still within reasonable drilling depths.

Subsequently NRSC has carried out a new oil seep study covering the entire Eastern Mediterranean region in conjunction with Spectrum EIT's regional seismic grid. This has enabled correlation of identified natural oil seeps with nearby seismic data to establish the presence of possible hydrocarbon migration pathways and any associated DHI features that might indicate gas in the system

This poster paper shows the variety of structural lead styles (Many as compression related features) identified, combined with examples of associated natural seepages found, possible hydrocarbon migration routes and DHI features seen on the seismic.

This paper is complimentary to our oral presentation, but concentrates on the types of plays, leads and associated hydrocarbon features identified .

highlights the regional structure and the type of seepage features identified. It will also show seismic examples of possible oil seepage migration routes seen in association with examples of typical lead structuring apparent in the area. Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator (DHI) features are seen associated with many lead structures providing an attractive incentive for future drilling activity in this newly emerging Eastern Mediterranean region.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado