Nasroffine Pauzi1, M Taufik Husin2, Hamizan Maksari2
(1) NONE, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
(2) Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: Bokor Field: Development and Technology Challenges of a Mature Field
Development for further opportunities in a mature field offers a unique set of challenges. The approach to this requires a focused multi-disciplinary team to arrive at a proper understanding of the reservoirs and the right technical solution. These challenges were experienced in the development of the Bokor Field, located 45 km northwest offshore Lutong, Sarawak in the Baram Delta region. The Bokor Field is featured as a simple domal uplift with a collapsed crest superimposed onto a rollover anticline resulting from growth faulting. The field is deposited in a series of multiple stacked deltaic to shallow marine sandstone reservoirs that contain both oil and gas. The field was discovered in November 1971 by BO-2 but was put on production only in 1982. The reservoirs were completed commingled to maximize completion strings' utilities and production from the stacked reservoirs. Limited spare well slots and unconsolidated reservoirs which often hinder further development in the past has ignited a flurry of technical creativity in the application of new technology. Due to development strategy of placing wells clustered at the crest of the domal structure in the past, the extent of the structural flank limit of the field is still relatively uncertain providing further future appraisal opportunities. The current field activity is mainly related to maximizing oil recovery and further development opportunity identification. This paper discusses how it is possible to turn around a "brown" field by identifying the occurrences of the bypassed oil and at the same time replenishes reserves from the appraisal targets. It will also highlighted on the effectiveness of the new technology that has been implemented in the Bokor Field; from multi-lateral to "Triple wellhead" technology. This technology has allowed more reserves to be developed with fewer wells.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado