Richard L. Patience1, Jess Milter1
(1) Statoil, Stavanger, Norway
ABSTRACT: Compartmentalisation And Filling History Of Smoerbukk Field, Mid Norway, From Fluid (PVT And Geochemical) Data
The Smoerbukk Field lies offshore Mid-Norway and is unusual and complex in many respects. Firstly, it consists of a series of heterogeneous and low-permeability reservoirs. These are located in the Garn (shallowest), Ile, Tofte, Tilje and Aare Formations. Secondly, it is deep (3700 to 5000mbsl) and hot (temperatures in excess of 150oC). Gross reservoir thickness is about 500m. Thirdly, reservoir quality is very variable and is controlled by sedimentary facies variations, primary sand quality and diagenesis. Fourthly, a range of fluid compositions and properties, both gas/condensates and oils, is present. Fifthly, both geochemical and pressure data suggest a mismatch between gas, oil and water phases with respect to past or present communication.
Mapping fluid compartments and barriers in such a complex field is therefore crucial when planning drainage strategy and well planning. The aim of this work was to use fluid data as a contribution to improved understanding of reservoir compartmentalisation and filling history in Smørbukk Field. To this end, reservoir fluid, PVT and geochemical data have been compiled and interpreted in an integrated fashion. The independently-developed filling and compartmentalisation model based on fluid data alone shows remarkably good agreement with experience from pressure measurements and production history.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado