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David P. Meaux1, Robert S. Pawlowski1, Gabor Tari2, Jim Molnar2, Richard Hedley3

(1) AOA Geophysics Inc, Houston, TX
(2) Vanco Energy, Houston, TX
(3) Lasmo Pakistan, Karachi, Pakistan

ABSTRACT: Pre-breakup Reconstruction of the Conjugate Passive Margins of Morocco and Nova Scotia, Canada, Based on Potential Field Data

A typical problem for finding the best fit between conjugate margins is the frequently uneven and asymmetric data coverage by reflection seismic profiles and deepwater wells. Whereas the Canadian part of the western Atlantic is thoroughly studied due to industry and academic efforts, the Moroccan side has seen significantly less, and mostly academic work until recently. This inequality in data coverage has been significantly changed by recent seismic reflection and potential field data acquisition offshore Morocco.

Based on the integrated structural interpretation of reflection seismic and potential field data, the hinge lines on both passive margins offshore Nova Scotia and Morocco between Agadir and Safi have pronounced kinks interpreted as the expression of the underlying syn-rift structure. Also, the ECMA (East Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly) appears to be the analogous to the Moroccan S1 anomaly. Whereas the ECMA is considered by many as the ocean/continent boundary, the S1 anomaly is clearly located on continental crust.

As the blanketing effect of post-rift sediments is very significant on the broad Canadian shelf, the narrower Moroccan margin with its thinner sedimentary cover offers important insights into the syn-rift architecture of these conjugate margins. Thus the newly acquired potential field data may have important exploration implications.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado