B. Kim Manzano1, Cynthia L. Riediger1, Martin Fowler2
(1) University of Calgary, Calgary, AB
(2) Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, AB
ABSTRACT: Petroleum Systems in Southern Alberta, Canada. Implications for Prospect and Play Ranking
Oils from Lower Cretaceous Mannville and Jurassic Ellis Group reservoirs in southern Alberta, Canada (T1-40; R1-25W5) were generated from at least five different source rocks. Over 300 oil and potential source rock samples were collected and analysed by GC and GC-MS, in order to assess the nature and extent of these petroleum systems. The proven/probable source rocks include: the Devonian Duvernay Formation (Family D), the Devonian-Mississippian Exshaw Formation (Family E), a probable Mississippian source (Family M), a probable Jurassic source (Rierdon/Fernie shales; Family F), and the Cretaceous Ostracode Zone (Family Q). Family D oils are restricted to the northernmost part of the study area (Provost field). The boundary between Family E oils, which occur mainly in the southern part of the study area, and mixed Exshaw and Ostracode oils (Family EQ) oils to the north, is coincident with a basement structural feature (the Vulcan Low). Families F and mixed FQ oils are mainly found west of the Jurassic subcrop edge, and Family M oils are located in southernmost Alberta. Mixed MQ oils are found northwest of the Vulcan Low. The much improved understanding of petroleum systems is integrated with knowledge of reservoir trends, subcrop edges, structure, and hydrodynamics. This allows for more accurate mapping of likely oil and gas migration pathways, which can be used for prospect risking and for the ranking of exploration plays.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado