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Dou Lirong1

(1) Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, Beijing, China

ABSTRACT: Boundary Fault Propagation Patterns and Their Control on the Formation of Petroleum Systems in the Erlian Basin, Eastern China

Fault linkage in rift basins is very common. The process of fault linkage is very short,but it changes the sedimentary patterns before and after linkage and controls the development of faulted-depressions. The propagation and growth of boundary faults can be divided into two types:simple fault propagation pattern and fault growth-linkage pattern. Based on the structural style, sedimentary patterns and oil-source correlations in the Erlian Basin, three types of depressions and petroleum systems can be identified: Abei Depressioncontrolled by single boundary fault which forms an independent petroeum system, Saihantala Depression controlled by several linked faults which also has an independent petroleum system, and Wuliyasitai Depression controlled by several boundary fault segments which results in several petroleum systems. Therefore, not all fault depressions develop one petroleum system, sometimes, they have two or more systems. The relay ramps between fault segments before linkage are the places where sandy conglomerate bodies deposited, and consequently, the frontier areas for exploring stratigraphic-lithologic fields.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado