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Victoria L. French1, Gregory D. Hinterlong1

(1) Texaco Exploration & Production Inc, Midland, TX

ABSTRACT: Construction of a Permeability Model Applying the Lucia Characterization Methodology with Non-optimal Data Conditions: West Jordan Unit, San Andres Formation

The West Jordan unit, Jordan field, is located along the eastern margin of the Central Basin platform in Ector and Crane Counties, Texas, and produces from a 550 foot interval within the San Andres Formation. Within the West Jordan unit a permeability transform derived from a single porosity-permeability regression line would be fraught with uncertainties. Cross plot analysis show that most pore types within the reservoir lack any total porosity to permeability correlation. Although intercrystalline and well-developed fenestral pores have a higher correlation coefficient than other pore types, the correlation within these pore types is weak at best.

The method used in this study to estimate permeability within reservoir is a modification of that proposed by Lucia (1999). The model integrates the distribution of petrophysical rock-fabric into a chronostratigraphic geological model along with engineering and production data. A modification of the Lucia (1999) method was applied to cored wells within the unit in order to measure its accuracy within cycle boundaries and then applied to all wells with porosity data. The method was found to be effective even with the multiple vintages of old-style neutron-count logs that make up the bulk of porosity data for the unit.

The use of this permeability transform method within the West Jordan unit is believed to have been successful because of its application in a well-defined, three-dimensional chronostratigraphic geologic model where pore types have been carefully defined in facies tracts within individual cycle boundaries. The objective of this paper is to present a general overview of the methodology and application of this permeability transform within the West Jordan unit.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado