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Paul Dailly1, Kenny Goh2

(1) Triton Energy, Dallas, TX
(2) Triton energy, Dallas, TX

ABSTRACT: The Rio Muni Basin of Equatorial Guinea; a new hydrocarbon province

The Rio Muni basin underlies the continental shelf of the West African Republic of Equatorial Guinea, located between Gabon and Cameroon. The basin is located above a zone dominated by northeast-southwest trending oceanic fracture zones and their continental extensions. These constitute the boundary between the Equatorial Atlantic margin and the West African salt basin. Despite its location between the prolific hydrocarbon provinces of the Niger delta to the north and the Gabon coastal basin to the south, the Rio Muni Basin has been overlooked by the industry for much of the last decade. Previous wells proved a viable source rock, but no accumulations. Triton Energy licensed Blocks F & G in 1997 and drilled the Ceiba 1 discovery well in 1999,proving a new hydrocarbon system in the deep water, post rift sequence. Deformation by Santonian-Coniacian transpression caused uplift of the shelfal area and deposition of a Late Cretaceous, slope fan sequence. Further, salt deformation of rafted deposits and the development of a base of slope compressional belt are evident. The resultant turbidite sequences form the reservoirs in the Ceiba discovery, which flowed 12,400 bopd. Both Late Cretaceous and Tertiary turbidite reservoirs form exploration targets in the basin, these may be charged by a deepwater source kitchen from which earlier, shelfal wells were shadowed.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado