Anita M. Burke1
(1) Shell International B.V, The Hague NL, Netherlands
ABSTRACT: Shell's Strategy for Operationalizing Sustainable Development
There is a growing gap between the commitments made for contributing to sustainable development and operational programmes.
The advertising campaigns, annual reports, ongoing development of key performance indicators, verification and voluntary participation in the GlobalReporting Initiative and the EcoEfficiency Initiative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development have all been credible and important first steps. The company has begun the evolution through the sustainable development framework.
We must still operate within the other realities of our business environment in order to remain profitable. Key to the ongoing success of this effort is applying a Business Framework, business processes and ultimately implementing product business strategies that move the businesses toward sustainability and simultaneously retain or improve their profitability. This summary describes the rationale, the elements of an implementation plan, and identifies tools that can be used to drive profitability and business advantage while contributing to Sustainable Development.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado