Anita M. Burke1
(1) Shell International B.V, The Hague NL, Netherlands
ABSTRACT: Global Climate Change as a Business Differentiator
In 1998 the Shell Group of Companies committed to take action on the issue of Climate Change, openly taking on absolute emission targets for greenhouse gases and a range of specific actions on climate change.
The Shell group of Companies committed to reducing emissions from our operations by 10% in 2002 over 1990 levels. The Group also committed to continuing to exceed the Kyoto target with respect to emissions from operations by 2010 by:
1. Reducing Group greenhouse gas emissions by increased energy efficiency as well as stopping continuous venting(by 2003) and flaring (by 2008).
2. Helping customers reduce GHG emissions by investigating in renewables and providing lower carbon fuels such as LPG. Providing greater choice to our customers and markets through the development of gas and commercially viable alternatives to fossil fuels in addition to traditional sources of energy.
3. Improving business decision-making, for example by including the impact of a cost of carbon in investment appraisals of projects with major GHG emissions.
4. Using market solutions, for example, by developing a pilot internal carbon trading system and utilization of the clean development mechanisms.
5. Contributing knowledge and experience to the international debate on climate change.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado