Bryan R. Bracken1, Jack Livingston1, Chris Denison1
(1) Chevron Petroleum Technology Company, San Ramon, CA
ABSTRACT: Communicating Reservoir Technology Via Pdf Files on Chevron's Intra-Net: An Example of an Interactive Pdf Report on Miocene Fluvio-Deltaic Reservoirs, Block B8/32, Gulf of Thailand
Over the last five years of use, Adobe Acrobat pdf files have proven to be a powerful vehicle for cross-opco communication, research technology transfer, data archiving, and database development in Chevron's upstream knowledge management system. The key properties that makes pdf files a critical tool are their ability to be easily secured, transferred, printed, and compressed. Further, when combined with a worldwide intra-net computer system (NT platform) pdf files have become the main building blocks within an accessible and interactive technology information system.
To illustrate the utility of pdf files we present an example of a digital, interactive poster developed for a Chevron reservoir characterization and modeling study on Miocene fluvio-deltaic sandstone in the Benchamas field, Block B8/32, Gulf of Thailand. The reservoir model was developed from the integration of sedimentological, wireline, biostratigraphical and seismic data sets with the goal to build a reliable computer simulation model for predicting reservoir performance. Results of this program will enable the production team to design a cost effective reservoir management plan to maximize field hydrocarbon recovery.
This interactive poster has well-derived data (core, log, and biostratigraphic) linked to 3-D fluvial braidbelt and distributary channel reservoir architecture (log and seismic defined). Imbedded links take the viewer to detailed sedimentological analyses of cores, outcrop analog photomosaics, petrophysical models, statistical analyses of palynomorph assemblages, and key seismic attribute maps. All viewer pathways lead ultimately to computer model displays of key reservoir intervals in the field.
This type of interactive digital report is a very cost effective mechanism for communicating and transferring techco ideas and products to overseas operating company, as wells as, archiving reservoir interpretation and models into a reservoir analog database.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado