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John Q. Belt1, Gary K. Rice1

(1) GeoFrontiers Corporation, Rowlett, TX

ABSTRACT: The Role Of Applied Research Design In Direct Geochemical Petroleum Exploration Modeling

Applied research design responds with direct answers to problems that require solving, whereas pure research design is aimed at resolving perplexing problems more theoretical in nature. There are three basic phases in applied research: 1) observation & description, 2) explanation, and 3) prediction.

Previous HitPhaseNext Hit 1-OBSERVATION & DESCRIPTION reports findings. The researcher attempts to describe their observations. However, this Previous HitphaseNext Hit does not answer the question "why" the observation occurred. Previous HitPhaseNext Hit 2-EXPLANATION goes beyond Previous HitphaseNext Hit one. It answers the question "why." The researcher uses rational explanations to account for forces causing Previous HitphaseNext Hit one-observations. Previous HitPhaseNext Hit 3-PREDICTION uses the conclusions of the Previous HitphaseNext Hit two model to help predict future outcomes.

The majority of applied research design, using direct geochemical information in petroleum exploration modeling, stops at Previous HitphaseNext Hit one-observation & description. Observational terms such as "halos" and "chimneys" are used to describe anomalous near-surface hydrocarbon expressions, or features.

Progressing to Previous HitphaseNext Hit two-explanation requires: 1)understanding the selective migration pathways of specific hydrocarbon types, 2) recognizing the difference between gas-Previous HitphaseNext Hit migration and liquid-Previous HitphaseNext Hit migration, and 3) determining the location of major structural fractures, such as faults, joints, and shear-fractures, within the specific depositional system. Previous HitPhaseNext Hit two provides logical and rational explanations of Previous HitphaseNext Hit one-observations.

After modeling Previous HitphaseNext Hit two information, the researcher moves to Previous HitphaseNext Hit three-prediction. Previous HitPhaseNext Hit three allows the researcher to predict and find other productive "plays" within the specific depositional system with similar attributes. Case study examples of modeled information from Previous HitphaseTop two-evaluation will be presented.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado