Vassil T. Vuchev1,
Alexandre F. Guinev1
(1) Geological Institute of BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract: Quantitative sedimentological study of four turbiditic sequences from upper Jurassic in southwestern Bulgaria
The detailed sedimentological study of four turbidite sections, located in the Alpine Krajshte zone (SW Bulgaria), consists of "bed by bed" measurement and of sampling along the logs. These sediments belong to the western zone of the turbiditic basin, known as Nish-Trojan flysch through whose main activity and development have been taking place during the Tithonian. The sections were selected geographically and looking for the evidences of the different facies (including the "under-facies") recognized in this basin. Good outcropping and access have been also taken into account. The bed identification and measurement in the field was based on the Bouma sequence approach. Other observations, related to the sedimentation, paleo environment, and aging have also been carried. Granulometric, mineralogical and X-Ray analyses were done as well. Attention is paid to the main turbiditic structures, textures and trace fossils.
One of the goals of this work was the stochastic modeling using the algorythms and methods of Markov chains. Conventional statistic analysis was also applied to all sections. Based on modeling, sections were devided into stochastic units, which are correlated and used for the intrabasinal analysis and reconstruction. Vertical and lateral trends are traced and proven.
This study is undertaken in the framework of the PhD research carried by A. G. at the University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille I, Lille, France and the Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana