--> Abstract: Integrated Seismic Technologies for Interpreting Deep Water Turbidites, by Roderick W. VanKoughnet, Richard O. Lindsay, Charles M. Skidmore, and Davis W. Ratcliff; #90914(2000)

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Roderick W. VanKoughnet1, Richard O. Lindsay1, Charles M. Skidmore1, Davis W. Ratcliff1
(1) Diamond Geoscience Research Corporation, Tulsa, OK

Abstract: Integrated Seismic Technologies for Interpreting Deep Water Turbidites


Turbidites, by their very nature, are poorly sorted. This geometric grain arrangement applies not only vertically but spatially as well leaving the explorationist asking, "Where is the best well location within the turbidite package?" and "What technology can be used to asses the best reservoir facies?" The answer to these questions is not a single technology rather it is a combination of technologies.

Seismic amplitude and 3-D AVO strength for pore fluid identification, 3-D qualitative water saturation prediction to address low gas saturation risk, 3-D gross and net reservoir thickness prediction for reservoir continuity and facies identification, velocity for depth conversion and 3-D pore pressure gradient for seal property assessment are all currently available. These are the exploration technologies that must be integrated to allow the prospector to select the best well locations in the complex facies of turbidite reservoirs.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana