Mathew J. Pranter1,
Raul Cabrera-Garzon1,
J. Jay Blaylock1,
Thomas L. Davis1,
Neil F. Hurley1
(1) Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Abstract: Static reservoir characterization of the San Andres Formation at Vacuum Field, New Mexico
An integrated approach that involved the use of a petrophysical-based reservoir zonation, multicomponent 3-D seismic data, and 3-D parameter estimation techniques was used to improve the static characterization of the San Andres reservoir at Vacuum Field. By using a petrophysical-based approach to define reservoir zones, an optimum number of layers was established to create the framework for a geologic model. This method eliminated the need for vertical upscaling prior to flow simulation. Multicomponent 3-D seismic attributes provided information regarding porosity, pore structure, and lithology associated with depositional and diagenetic heterogeneities within the San Andres. Relationships among reservoir properties and multicomponent seismic attributes including amplitude, Vp/Vs, and shear-wave anisotropy were used to populate the geologic model. Three-dimensional estimation techniques including simulated annealing and attribute-based rescaling were used to estimate reservoir parameters within reservoir zones (flow units) that were below seismic resolution. It was concluded that reservoir heterogeneities within the San Andres Formation at Vacuum Field are better characterized through the use of this integrated approach. Identification of vertical and lateral heterogeneities will benefit supplemental recovery efforts at Vacuum Field. These techniques may be applied to characterize other carbonate reservoirs within the Permian Basin and worldwide.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana