Michael G. Moore1,
Julie d'Ablaing2
(1) BHP Petroleum (Americas) Inc, Houston, TX
(2) BP Amoco, Houston, TX
Abstract: Submarine Fan Deposition in the Ultra Deep Water GOM and it's Implication for Reservoir Prediction
Recent major discoveries at Mad Dog, Atlantis, and Neptune have demonstrated the potential of the Atwater Foldbelt in the ultra deep water ( 5000') Gulf of Mexico. Understanding the scale and character of the submarine fan depositional systems is important in determining an appraisal strategy for the discoveries and for pursuing other exploration opportunities.
Miocene-age sands are potential reservoirs in the Western Atwater Foldbelt. These potential reservoirs are studied by mapping the lowest resolvable intervals on the available 3-D and 2-D seismic grid. The extent and seismic character of these intervals, along with the available well data, are used to predict the size of the depositional system and where the best reservoir sands are likely to be.
The submarine fan depositional systems in the Miocene extend over a large part of the Western Atwater and Eastern Walker Ridge protraction areas. The systems are much larger than the individual prospect size. The locations of the younger depositional systems are influenced by the topography left behind by the older systems. There is a high probability that some of the submarine fan systems are sand-prone. Additional drilling in the trend will test this depositional model.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana