John R. Lewis1
(1) CNG Producing Company, New Orleans, LA
Abstract: The role of the independent O&G companies in the new millennium
Independent oil & gas companies have evolved significantly over the last 20 years in their technical, financial and competitive commands. They have become major players in all aspects of the business ranging from the onshore Lower-48, to the Gulf of Mexico shelf, to the Gulf of Mexico deep waters trend and the international scene. this surge in activity centers around strategic alliances developed between independent companies and the service sector of the industry. Unlike the past, most larger independents are now capable of planning, operating and financing any major project on the domestic scene.
Activity of the independents on the domestic scene is best illustrated by results of the Gulf of Mexico federal lease sales where they have increased their presence in the deep water GOM and now dominate the GOM shelf which in large part has been abandoned by many of he majors.
Independents have formed partnerships enabling them to expand their expertise, finance projects and leverage their exposure to new R&D. They have provided innovative technological solutions to what were once insurmountable economical problems. These solutions include the development of production spars and sea stars for the economical development of smaller fields in the deep water. The independents are now proficient in drilling, completing, producing and developing infrastructure for all areas of the Gulf of Mexico including the deep water which is a key to their future on both the domestic and international E&P fronts.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana