Sheri L. Lassere1,
Matthew W. Totten1,
Mark A. Hanan1,
Denise Reed1
(1) University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA
Abstract: Natural remediation of disposed oil-field brines with elevated radium concentrations
The geochemical behavior of radium associated with oil-field brines discharged into marsh is of interest to industry and environmentalists alike. A tank battery facility located in an interdistributary delta plain along Baptiste Collette Bayou, Louisiana has discharged brines since the 1950's. In the early 1980's, this facility began injecting the disposal waters. Hence, no longer are radium concentrations associated with brine waters being discharged into the surrounding marsh.
A previous study before injection of brines began reported elevated radium concentrations. Sample sites were reoccupied and analyzed for current radium concentrations. Preliminary data indicates a substantial decrease in radium concentrations from the early study. Decreases range from 30-75%, and average 50%. The largest reduction was observed in samples that previously reported the highest values.
These preliminary results indicate that remediation of the marsh is occurring naturally in as short a time as two decades. The long term effects of discharged oil-field brines appear to be minimal.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana