Byrd Larberg1
(1) Burlington Resources International Inc, Houston, TX
Abstract: The changing role of independents: Burlington Resources Emergence as a super independent
The nature of upstream competition has radically changed over the decade of the 90’s. Globalization, commodity price volatility, increasing cost pressure, new entrants, ascendance of national oil companies, and the recent wave of “super mergers” combine to create formidable challenges to any independent whose viability is tied to consistent, competitive and profitable growth. Single theme strategies, such as operational excellence, are no longer sufficient to ensure long term success.
A strategic plan which emphasizes HR capabilities, focus, materiality, and repeatability must be linked to a portfolio management process such that individual investment decision not only support the plan directionally, but also provide concrete improvement in the ability to meet or exceed plan targets on an annual basis.
Burlington Resources transformation from a “super independent” demonstrates the fundamental application of these concepts. Recent activity within Burlington’s international subsidiary highlights the capabilities, which will be required to complete successfully in the next decade.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana