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Richard S. Langdon1
(1) EEX Corporation, Houston, TX

Abstract: Managing your career in a rapidly changing world

Our world is changing around us at an accelerating pace. Certainly, the oil and gas industry has not been immune. It seems as though every day we pick up the paper only to learn of yet another merger or other form of business partnership within the E&P sector. From a personal perspective, change is never easy yet for most of us; it’s become an inevitable part of life. If change is inevitable, how can each of us use it to our advantage from a career perspective? The idea is not to just survive in our changing world; we must find ways to thrive. Not to fight change, but to embrace it. What are the skills, attitudes, and behaviors necessary to bring this all about?

Change also places stress on organizations. If they are to survive and grow, organizations must be even more adaptive to change than its employees – employees can be replaced. How are organizations adapting themselves to their rapidly changing environments and what is the impact on the petrotech professionals? What can you do to successfully manage your careers in these rapidly changing cultures?

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana