E. Ch. Kairuz1,
F. Cordoba1,
P. Ferreira1,
O. Solano1
(1) Ecopetrol, Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia
Abstract: New opportunities for oil accumulation in the upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia, South America
The Upper Magdalena Basin is one of the most prolific and active oil basins in Colombia. Two hundred five exploratory wells have been drilled in this basin, with 36 oil fields discovered. Proved reserves amount to 631 MBO and 123 GPCG. Structural and geochemical regional studies have shown a large variety of structural and stratigraphic potential oil traps that have not been drilled. On the other hand, a large amount of generated hydrocarbons, not discovered yet, have been estimated.
Most of the discovered oil fields corresponds to accumulations in structural traps located in the hanging wall of structures associated with thrust systems and good clastic cretaceous reservoirs. A few fields are associated to stratigraphic traps in tertiary units.
Regional structural review allowed us to identify a remaining high exploration potential in subthrust structural traps, as well as in stratigraphic traps in the tertiary sequence. Fractures in the calcareous cretaceous sequence consittute a new exploratory target which has been proven successfully.
A mass balance calculation on new geochemical data along with identification of generation pods, have shown that there are a high amount of generated hydrocarbons still undiscovered.
The combination of the above mentioned factors: structures not drilled and estimated undiscovered hydrocarbons reinforce the high exploratory potential of the Upper Magdalena Basin. Additionally the availability of oil infrastructure in the basin makes more attractive the exploration activity.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana