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Arzu Javadova1
(1) Wintershall Azerbajan Petroleum, Baku, Azerbaijan

Abstract: Some geological and geophysical peculiarities of salatin structure

The Salatin Block is located offshore Azerbaijan in the southwestern part of the South Caspian Basin and encompasses a NW-SE elongate (ca. 80 km long and 15 km wide) undrilled trend of several structures.

The block covers approx. 910 km and lies east of longitude 49°40’E and south of latitude 39°20’N in water depths from 50m to over 500 m.

The Salatin Block has not previously been offered for licensing and no wells have been drilled on the block.

Within the immediate offshore vicinity of the Salatin Block no hydrocarbon discoveries have been made. The nearest hydrocarbon occurrence to the block is the Neftechala oil field, located approx. 40 km towards the NW. The field was discovered in 1926 and produces 27-28° API oil from Pleistocene Apsheron Fm, Middle Pliocene Akchagyl and Upper Productive Series. Further to the north, several other oil fields (Kyursangya, Karabagly, etc.) produce liquid hydrocarbons from depths below 5000 m.

The seismic interpretation was focussed on mapping structural closures on the Top Pliocene (Top Upper Productive Series), Near Top Pereryva (Near Base Upper Productive Series) and Base Pliocene level and cross-checking with regional and semiregional time maps.

The principal reservoir section in the Salatin Block is composed of Middle Pliocene sandstones of the Productive Series, which is widespread sand/shale sequence transported into the Kura and South Caspian Basin by the paleo-Kura and paleo-Volga river systems and deposited in a complex regressive-transgressive pattern as fluviatile/deltaic and/or turbiditic sediments.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana