D. Georgi1,
G. Yu1,
A. Cheng1,
M. Altunbay1,
J. Lee1,
J. Michaels1,
H. Homann1
(1) Baker Atlas, Houston, TX
Abstract: Reservoir description: Between the wells
E & P companies have striven for years to characterize the reservoir between wells. We have many tools to characterize in great detail the reservoir intersected by wellbores (cores, logs, MWD and LWD data) and surface seismic data are providing ever clearer pictures of basin setting and the reservoir. In many cases 3-D seismic data are even capable of providing details of the interior reservoir architecture. However, in general, we are not able to describe the space between wells with much detail.
Many new tools are available that potentially can illuminate the space between the wells. We can describe in detail, even without core, the porosity, permeability and mineralogy at the wellbore. With borehole seismic (2D, 3D and walk away VSPs) and cross well tomography and guided wave technology, we can carry the near wellbore information into the reservoir interior. In addition, geologic information gathered at the wellbore (cores and image logs) allows us to intelligently extrapolate petrophysical data into the interior of the reservoir.
Finally, with pressure data collected with formation test tools, we can establish the degree of compartmentalization and whether faults are sealing or non-sealing.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana