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Jack Deibert1, Tara Benda2, Jeff Crabaugh2, Tore Loeseth2, Donatella Mellere3, Piret Plink4, Maija Schellpeper2, Ron Steel2
(1) Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN
(2) University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
(3) Statoil, Stavanger, Norway
(4) University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden

Abstract: Geometric and Facies Contrasts Between Fluvio-Deltaic and Storm-Wave Driven Clinoforms in the Eocene Central Basin, Spitsbergen

Two types of clinoforms, one whose shelf segment is fluvio-deltaic, the other wave dominated, are recognized and documented along mountainside outcrops of the Eocene Battfjellet Formation, on Storvola and Litledalsfjellet respectively, in the Central Basin of Spitsbergen. The clinoform sets differ with respect to the amount of sand present on their slope and basin-floor segments.

Sandstone units (clinothems) that define clinoforms in both types are 1 to 25 m-thick and are separated by shale units up to 150 m-thick with the clinothems forming distinct shelf-, slope-, and basin-floor segments. Shelf segments of fluvio-deltaic clinothems consist of coarse-grained fluvial and heterolithic shelf-delta lithosomes that extend to the shelf edge. Shelf segments dominated by a storm-wave regime produce thinner sheets of hummocky and swaley cross-stratified sandstone, but these also can extend to the shelf edge and slightly down the slope. Slope segments of storm-wave-dominated clinothems are up to 2500 m-wide, have angles ranging from 4.2 to 7.6 degrees, and have a maximum vertical relief of 135 m. Slope segments of fluvial-dominated clinothems are up to 4000 m-wide, have angles ranging from 1.2 to 3.4 degrees, and have a maximum vertical relief of 170 m. The overall stacking pattern of both types of clinoforms is progradational, however the former tend to have a steeper aggradational trajectory. These data suggest clinoforms that have high vertical relief, low slope angles, low aggradational stacking patterns, and are fluvial-deltaic-driven tend to produce deep water sand deposits.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana