Bente Blikeng1,
Edith Fugelli1
(1) Statoil A/S, 4035 Stavanger, Norway
Abstract: Application of results from outcrops of the deep-marine Brushy Canyon Formation, Delaware Basin, as analogues for the deep-marine exploration targets on the Norwegian Shelf
The keys to exploration success are to be able to see different possibilities and to improve the ability to predict. Analogue studies highlight the importance of visualizing geology as seen in outcrop when interpreting subsurface seismic and well data. Outcrops of the deep-marine Brushy Canyon Formation, Delaware Basin, West Texas, have proved useful as analogues to the deepmarine exploration targets on the Norwegian shelf.
The Permian Brushy Canyon Formation consists of submarine canyon fill, slope and basin floor deposits. The siltstone-rich slope is dominated by bypass, slope-adjustments and degradational processes. Through time slumpscars coalesce and confine, direct and bypass sediments basinward. The sand-rich basin floor is dominated by constructional processes, with complex stacking of sediment bodies and compensation cycles.
Slope and basin floor settings are also observed both in the Tertiary and Cretaceous deepwater depositional systems on the Norwegian shelf. The settings and scale of the depositional systems, the distribution of sands and the geometries of the sand bodies are comparable to the Delaware Basin. Slumpscar confined channel complexes at the slope, multistory channel complexes on the basin floor and distal pinchout prospects can be defined and directly correlated to field observations.
By integrating field observations with subsurface data, regional 3D seismic interpretation, high quality well data and geophysical modelling, the projects have resulted in more reliable interpretations, enhanced prediction of sediment pathways and sand distribution, and finally to development of new prospects on the Norwegian shelf.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana