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R.T. Beaubouef1, D.C. Jennette1, A.R. Sprague1, C.R. Rossen1, S.J. Friedmann1, C. Pirmez1, D.C. Mohrig1, T.R. Garfield2, M.D. Sullivan2, F.J. Goulding2, G.N. Jensen2
(1) Exxon Production Research Co, Houston, TX
(2) Exxon Exploration Co, Houston, TX

Abstract: Seismic/sequence stratigraphy of deep-water reservoirs, Il. Recent enhancements to the Lowstand fan model

After years of systemic application and validation, the Lowstand System Tract (LST) submarine fan model still serves as the fundamental basis for the characterization and prediction of deep-water reservoirs. Many new advances and modifications to the two part model have resulted as our stratigraphic resolution has increased through the careful integration of large, high-quality 3D seismic surveys with well logs, biostratigraphy, cores, outcrops and updated depositional process models. The products are enhanced facies and architectural models that describe a spectrum of deep-water lowstand deposits. The models document the temporal evolution and depositional history of reservoir bodies and relate these changes to the critical controls on deposition such as the sediment delivery system, transport mechanisms and gradient. The classic basin-floor fan represents one depositional style within a broad spectrum of styles. One key enhancement to the two-part LST model is that many “fans” are composite units that can be subdivided into numerous, higher frequency sequences that stack to form systemic vertical and plan-form patterns of netgross, lithofacies and architecture. These patterns record the fan’s evolutionary response to systematic changes in the controls on reservoir deposition. Recognizing and characterizing the LST fan and its higher frequency components has led to more accurate and predictive reservoir models in deep-water exploration and development settings around the world.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana