Carlos Affonso Teixeira Aguiar1
(1) Petroleo Brasileiro S.A, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Abstract: Petrobras' climate change strategy
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol pose a big challenge to the petroleum industry, whether in the identification of new business opportunities, or the increase in the environmental performance of its processes and products. In this regard, Petrobras has been assigning high priority to initiatives in the implementation of natural gas production, energy saving and optimize its industrial processes, as well as increase consumers awareness of the problem. With the company's development of several energy saving programs, implemented since 1997, the reduction of CO2 emissions amounted to 73 thousand tons, thus generating savings of US$19 Million. In addition to this, several on-going projects will allow for an increase in the Brazilian energy matrix of natural gas participation from 2% to 12% by the year 2010. In 1998, Petrobras launched an specific project called "Zero Combustion" in order to maximize the use of natural gas, and diminish the gas burning in its platforms. It was developed by the Exploration and Production segment (E&P), and resulted in the reutilization of 26 million m3 of natural gas at the offshore area, and the implementation of energy co-generation projects in the refining area, totaling 40 MW capacity. Moreover, the identification and development activities of the Clean Development Mechanism projects are being prioritized, in conformance with the Kyoto Protocol, in the areas of natural gas utilization, energy saving, and efficiency improvement in the production processes. These activities are in line with the continued improvement of Petrobras' inventory of greenhouse gases emissions, based on the consumption of fuels used in the internal processes, as well as in the production and refining activities.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90914©2000 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana