* Denotes speaker other than senior author.
TYLER, DARRYL A., Monterey County Water Resources Agency: REICO J. CRUZ, ROBERT L. JOHNSON*, and HOWARD B. FRANKLIN, Monterey County Water Resources Agency, Salinas, CA
Abstract: The Benefits of Proper Data Capture and Management Practices at Monterey County Water Resources Agency: A Poster Session
At the Monterey County Water Resources Agency (Agency) data is often collected for specific projects. When proper consideration is given to data capture and storage, multiple longterm benefits can be realized.
Data capture and storage at the Agency is accomplished using a varied array of technologies. Geographic Positioning System (GPS) is used to collect information such as watercourse, road centerline, cross sectional control, and coordinate location (x,y,z). Remote sensing technology is utilized to capture land coverage information, which can be used to categorize land use. Historic maps in hard copy format are digitally scanned, registered and rectified in order to incorporate into Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Data storage methods include large electronic database formats (Oracle), spreadsheet files (QuatroPro, Excel), and GIS (Arcinfo, ArcView).
This poster session highlights how the Agency incorporates these data into numerous applications. Examples are presented in which data has been captured through diverse methodologies for specific programs. These data were then utilized in applications that may or may not have been conceived at the time the data was collected.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90920©1999 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Monterey, California