Aera Energy, LLC, Bakersfield,
Abstract: Kern River Field: Integration of 3-D Property Models, 2-D Maps and Flow Unit Volumetric Calculations
The Upper Miocene and Pliocene Kern River Sands on the Angus lease, Kern River Field, were characterized using 3-D modeling software. 2-D structure and gross thickness isochore grids were generated for each of the 11 productive flow units. 3D Saturation and Porosity grids were also generated for each flow unit. 2-D SoPhiH grids were then generated utilizing the 3-D Saturation and Porosity grids and the 2-D structure and isochore grids. The 2-D SoPhiH grids were used to generate SoPhiH maps for each flow unit. Additionally, original oil in place and pore volume by flow unit by pattern were calculated.
The SoPhiH maps, OOIP and Pore Volume data were utilized to redistribute steam injection resulting in a reduction of 3,000 barrels of steam per day on the Angus Lease.
The advantages of this type of reservoir modeling include: (1) Consolidation of all 3-D & 2-D reservoir grids and contour maps to a more rigorous integrated reservoir model; (2) Elimination of petrophysical summations; and (3) Reduced cycle time for reservoir description.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90920©1999 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Monterey, California