Electromagnetic (EM) and Ground penetrating
radar (GPR) surveys were conducted at an industrial site that formerly
operated as a creosote wood treating facility in order to accomplish two
objectives: 1) to delineate the extent of creosote contamination at the
site, and 2) to locate buried pipes, tanks or other subsurface features
that could lead to further contamination if ruptured during remediation.
Data interpretations were confirmed by exploratory trenching and soil sampling
subsequent to the completion of this study. EM data were useful for mapping
the extent of creosote within surficial soils. The GPR data proved successful
in locating back-filled trenches and pipes at the site, as well as vaults
and a pit filled with pure creosote product. Both parallel dipole (co-pole)
and crossed dipole (cross-pole) data were collected during the GPR survey.
Cross-pole data were more useful for site characterization at this location,
as images produced using co-pole data had a poor signal to noise ratio
due to site conditions.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90926©1999 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana