This presentation documents the finding of detectable levels of naturally-occurring petroleum hydrocarbons in Indiana glacial till during the investigation of a site impacted with other organic chemicals. Significant excavation and removal of soils off-site necessitated the evaluation of the soils for waste disposal options. Initial testing of fill and glacial till at the site indicated widespread detectable total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH). Additional investigation using microscopic observations and downhole geophysical logging indicated that the TPH in the glacial till was the result of the presence of New Albany shale fragments within the till matrix. Analytical testing of the soil using GC/FID by U.S. EPA Method 88015 (Modified) indicated a chromatographic signature that was different between impacted soils and naturally-impacted soils. A statistical methodology was used to determine the grouping of the samples into two distinct populations. Using these techniques, soil with naturally-occurring TPH as a result of the New Albany shale was able to be differentiated from other soils impacted by past dumping on the site. Substantial disposal cost saving will be realized as a result of this study.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90926©1999 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana