Abstract: Integrating Sample, Seismic, Petrophysical, and
Engineering Data to Revitalize an Old Field
For many old fields, the original cores and/or core data are no longer
available to incorporate into new field studies. In such cases cutting
samples and permanent core chips from original wildcats and flank dry holes
can be used to characterize the reservoir. These samples can be used to
understand facies, age zonation, porosity types, percent fracturing, and
hydrocarbon shows. Hydrocarbon shows (cut and fluorescence) are still detectable
in wells more than fifty years old
These data can be digitized and integrated with the petrophysical, seismic,
and reservoir engineering data to discover overlooked pay zones and new
potential zones above and below the primary field production interval This
presentation documents one such integrated field study.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90936©1998 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Wichita Falls, Texas