Abstract: Advances in Offshore Technology: New Frontiers in E and P
Carneiro, Luiz Eduardo G. - Petrobras/E&P
In the last years, Petrobras has been considered as one of the leading companies in deepwater installations, completions and production. According to the Petroleum Intelligence Weekly, December 1997, Petrobras has achieved in 1996 the 15th position in the ranking of the largest oil and gas companies in the world. This position is directly linked to the Company?s cutting edge in deepwater exploration and production technology.
The challenge of deep waters (400m<W.D.<1,000m) and ultra-deep waters (W.D.<1,000m) in Brazil had to be faced once they were the only alternative to reach production levels compatible to the Company needs as well as the required development speed. To achieve the technological level that allowed Petrobras to develop the deep and ultra-deep fields, a long path has been tracked.
This speech covers a background on the Brazilian offshore activities, the experience that Petrobras has acquired along more than 15 years of deepwater operations, describes the main drivers to the deep and ultra-deep waters and shows the present technological program with a description of the main projects which will allow the Company to produce fields located beyond 1,800m.
Key technology issues in deepwater exploitation scenario, such as extended reach wells in reservoirs with small sedimentary coverage, unconventional drilling techniques like lightweight fluid or under-balance drilling, artificial lift in subsea wells, subsea equipment innovation, development of new flowlines and users, mitigation of hydrate and wax deposition in subsea pipelines, stationary production units with new mooring systems, subsea boosting and multiphase metering are also addressed.
Finally, the PETROBRAS? vision on what would the offshore production be like, when exploiting oil reservoirs of 1,800 meter water depth, and beyond, is presented.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90933©1998 ABGP/AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil