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Abstract: Tectonic and Structural Analysis of a Transverse Previous HitFaultNext Hit in an Extended Terrane, the Currant Summit Previous HitFaultNext Hit, Basin and Range Province, Nevada

WILLIAMS, NATHAN D., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Geoscience Department, Las Vegas, NV

Transverse faults, faults that strike parallel to subparallel to the direction of extension, are fundamental structures of extensional terranes. Understanding the Previous HitfaultNext Hit type is necessary to explain the development of extended terranes, but kinematic research on these structures has been limited because the faults are commonly buried by sediments. Such faults in extended terranes are well exposed in the northern Basin and Range province.

The goals of this study are to enhance understanding of the tectonic development of the northern Basin and Range province, provide new interpretations of transverse faults in extended regions, and aid in understanding the role of transverse faults in hydrocarbon accumulation.

Regional structural problems related to transverse faults in the Basin and Range province will be addressed by detailed analysis of the east-west striking Currant Summit Previous HitfaultNext Hit, which divides the White Pine and Horse ranges, Nevada. The objectives are to describe and kinematically analyze the Currant Summit Previous HitfaultNext Hit, correlate stratigraphic units across this Previous HitfaultNext Hit, document and interpret offsets of faults and folds by the transverse Previous HitfaultNext Hit, and determine the relations between the Currant Summit Previous HitfaultNext Hit and hydrocarbon accumulation in Railroad Valley.

Geologic mapping and analysis will constrain the slip direction, Previous HitfaultNext Hit geometry, and kinematics of the Currant Summit Previous HitfaultNext Hit. These maps will be used to document the geometric relationships between the strata, piercing points, structures, and the Currant Summit Previous HitfaultNext Hit as well as to calculate Previous HitfaultNext Hit offsets. The data will be used to generate a model of the kinematic history of the Currant Summit Previous HitfaultTop.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90931©1998 AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid