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Abstract: A Geologist's Role in Hydraulic Fracture Design

Universal Well Services, Inc., Meadville, PA

The Geologist's role in the design of hydraulic fractures has never been a clear one. The majority of the debate and discussion in hydraulic fracture design and implementation lies in the arena of the engineer. Recent discoveries in the field of rock mechanics and fracturing demonstrate the complex interaction between all aspects of the subsurface and the consequent geometry of hydraulic fractures. Historically, input from the geologist has not been a normal part of this design path. This talk will give an update on what current fracturing theories are most generally accepted and outline some of the areas in which geological input can increase the likelihood of success in a stimulation treatment. These areas include: reservoir rock lithology and its relationship with fracture geometry and ultimate reservoir drainage, and mineralogy and the selection of compatible treatment fluids.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90930©1998 AAPG Eastern Section, Columbus, Ohio