--> Abstract: Using Surface Lineament and Fracture Analysis Techniques to Reduce Exploration Risks in East Central Kansas, by L. E. Safley, G. Guo, and S. A. George; #90930 (1998).

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Abstract: Using Surface Lineament and Fracture Analysis Techniques to Reduce Exploration Risks in East Central Kansas

BDM Petroleum Technologies, Bartlesville, OK
Schlumberger, Houston, TX
BDM Petroleum Technologies, Bartlesville, OK

FRAC-EXPLORE is a computer software package designed for hydrocarbon exploration using remote sensing data and surface fracture analysis. The purpose of this U.S. Department of Energy-sponsored software is to quantitatively perform statistical and geological analysis to reduce exploration risks. The techniques for delineating hydrocarbon traps are based on 5 structural indicators: lineaments, surface fracture orientation, frequency, density, and structural anomalies. The software package can be used in frontier basins to prioritize prospective locations for further geological and geophysical exploration. It can also be used in mature basins to delineate bypassed hydrocarbons trapped in zones of secondary porosity.

The methodology and techniques incorporated into FRAC-EXPLORE were applied in eastern Kansas. The methodology consists of acquisition of satellite images and high altitude aerial photographs, photogeologic interpretation, and surface fracture analysis. Fracture lineations were identified on aerial photos and annotated on clear film overlays. The lineation data were transferred to topographic maps and digitized into ASCII files. Two dominant sets of surface fracture lineations were identified. These can be related to local and regional basement structures. Fracture analysis was performed to identify trends in fracture orientation, length, frequency, and density in order to prioritize prospective areas. A close correlation was found to exist between the structural indicators and regional production trends.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90930©1998 AAPG Eastern Section, Columbus, Ohio