Abstract: The Integration of Ohio's Oil and Gas Well Data
Ohio Division of Geological Survey, Columbus, OH,MICHAEL
Ohio Division of Oil and Gas,
Columbus, OH
The Ohio Division of Geological Survey (ODGS) recently completed capturing all known oil and gas well locations from the township well-spot maps. ODGS also has been working on creating an oil and gas production database from a number of sources. The Ohio Division of Oil and Gas (ODOG) and ODGS recently implemented a new database system, the Risk-based Data Management System (RBDMS), which contains records from 1980 to the present. Integrating all of these data sources is the next step for the ODGS and ODOG.
Approximately 75,000 wells in the well location database do not have unique permit numbers. A project is underway to assign standard API numbers to all the wells in the well location database and to update the digital spot maps. Once all the wells have unique API numbers, the well location records will be merged into the RBDMS. ODGS has been collecting production data from operators on a project-by-project basis since 1985. ODOG has been entering operator-submitted Form 10 data into the computer since 1983. All of these data sources have been merged, edited, and verified to form the most comprehensive oil and gas well database available for Ohio. The production database will be linked to RBDMS via the well API numbers. The scanning and data entry of the historical well cards into RBDMS will begin in the fall of 1998. RBDMS will be the enterprise database for both divisions and the public.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90930©1998 AAPG Eastern Section, Columbus, Ohio