Abstract: Geologic Assessment of Core Data from the Stahl #1 and Correlation with the Rose Run of Ohio
Quest Energy, Inc., Amherst,
Geology Dept., SUNY at Buffalo,
Amherst, NY
NYSERDA, Albany,
The upper Cambrian Rose Run sandstone was first encountered in northeastern Kentucky. In Pennsylvania, the Rose Run has been correlated with the Upper Sandusky Member of the Gatesburg Formation and the Conococheague Group. It has been proposed that the Rose Run correlated with the Theresa Formation in New York. In October, 1996, Belden & Blake Corporation drilled the Stahl #1 in Arcade Township, Wyoming County, New York at a depth of 6021 ft to the upper Cambrian Theresa Formation. Twenty side wall core plugs (between 5950 to 6009 ft) were recovered for petrophysical analysis. This study used core analysis and electric log information to assess the petrophysical characteristics and regional gamma ray correlations of the reservoir encountered in the Stahl #1 and how they compare with the Rose Run of Ohio.
The sandstones in question occurs in the Stahl #1 from about 5930 ft to total depth. The samples analyzed are primarily quartz arenites, but finer grained units are more feldspathic, with samples falling into arkose and subarkose fields, compositions typical of the Rose Run in Ohio. Cements in the sandstone include dolomite, quartz, clay, pyrite locally, and calcite. The porosity observed in thin sections varies from 1% to 10%, with intergranular porosity the dominant type. The results from the core analysis reveal that the characteristics, such as range of rounding, composition, cementing, and porosity, of the sandstone penetrated at the base of the Stahl #1 are consistent with those of the Rose Run in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Thus, it is probable that the sandstone at the base of the Stahl #1 can be lithologically and stratigraphically correlated with the Rose Run.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90930©1998 AAPG Eastern Section, Columbus, Ohio