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Abstract: Digital Geology of Colorado - 1997


More and more geological information is now available in digital format from government and other sources. Digital information available for Colorado includes:

  • A geological map of the state at 1:500,000
  • Various 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) geological maps
  • The NURE data base (Geochemical Data)
  • Geological age Data Base
  • Coal and Oil and Gas Information

To be most useful this information must be integrated with other digital geographic information including:

  • Scanned topographic maps (DRGs)
  • Digital Ortho Quads (DOQs), (3) Remote Imagery (SPOT, etc.)
  • Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)
  • Digital Line Graphs on roads, water, and political boundaries (DLGs)
  • Survey coordinates and markers (GCDB) Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Geographic Names (GNIS)
  • Digital text and maps and sections scanned from paper copy reports

This paper discusses sources of information and some of the difficulties in integrating various formats and coordinate systems. The specific example used is the development of a computer program which allows the 1:500,000 digital geological map of Colorado to be used with a Global Positioning System (GPS).

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90946©1997 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Denver, Colorado