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Abstract: Using Technology for E&P Success - The Practices of Leader Companies in Western Canada Sedimentary Basin Strategies


Our multi-client Finding & Development Cost industry benchmarking analysis examines one of the critical success factors in superior E&P performance - technology utilization.

We compare the performances of the leaders in broadly defined strategy areas of western Canada. Parallels to the US Rocky Mountain region are evident. The leaders are defined as those companies that more than replace reserves produced, at an F&D cost less than the value of the product found. That is, their activities add shareholder value. All leaders recognize effective use of technology as a critical success factor.

What technologies create a real competitive advantage? Through data questionnaires and personal interviews with executives, we identify technology utilization practices in the various strategy areas, and correlate them with F&D cost and reserve replacement results.

The leaders use only appropriate technologies, and know when not to use those that cost too much. They employ off-the-shelf technologies, rather than develop new ones themselves, and provide effective dissemination of technology in their organizations. Successful companies demand that technology help their staff to do the basics well, but also require that it be applied with some "art" in the process.

Our innovative graphical presentation shows clearly what the leaders do in each of the strategy areas, compares their practices with the rest of industry, and indicates the technologies that help create their success.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90946©1997 AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Denver, Colorado