Abstract: The COOGER Study: An Historic First Attempt at Dispute Resolution for Offshore California
California's central coast is one of the most prolific hydrocarbon provinces within the continental United States. Numerous large and historic oil fields have been developed onshore and these trends have led to significant discoveries offshore. Despite the large production potential, mineral exploration as well as new field development offshore has been virtually shut down in recent years due to economic conditions and permitting obstacles. Given that existing leases, once surrendered, may never be re-acquired, some action is required or this vast resource may be lost forever.
The Pacific Region of the Minerals Management Service is providing a vehicle through which a common understanding can be developed between all parties affected by oil and gas development offshore California's central coast. The MMS is sponsoring the California Offshore Oil and Gas Energy Resources (COOGER) study which will generate an impartial look at the impacts of differing levels of offshore oil and gas development on the adjacent onshore communities. Guided by a committee populated by state, local, and federal governments as well as the oil industry, COOGER will develop five hypothetical levels of oil and gas development (scenarios) in the Santa Barbara Channel and the Offshore Santa Maria Basin. Each level of development will then address the impacts to the onshore community. The initial scenario will develop a 'baseline' of no new mineral development and natural production decline. Subsequent scenarios will predict successively higher levels of development with the onshore downstream infrastructure being the primary constraining factor.
Search and Discovery Article #90945©1997 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Bakersfield, California