Abstract: A Regional Stratigraphic Correlation, Reservoir Characterization and Production Allocation Project Within the Anadarko Basin and Shelf of Oklahoma with Emphasis on the Springer Group
As part of a regional study,
the logs from every producing well in the majority of the Anadarko Basin
and Shelf of Oklahoma were reviewed to verify the actual producing reservoir
and assign a consistent nomenclature. Both detail and regional cross-sections
were constructed and used to determine stratigraphic relationships and
develop a stratigraphic nomenclature system that could be used across the
area with accuracy, detail, and consistency. Correlations were made from
the Heebner Shale (Cisco, Upper Pennsylvanian) to the deepest zones penetrated.
Allocation of the production within the study area was made based on these
correlations and the associated nomenclature system.
Some of the end products of this study have been greater definition and accuracy in the production data.
The Springer Group consists of the Boatwright, Britt and Cunningham, in ascending order. While the Cunningham was always found to be a sandstone, extensive correlations indicated that the Boatwright and Britt, which are sandstones in the southeastern portion of the basin, develop an equivalent carbonate facies to the northwest. Facies and production maps are presented for the individual members of the Springer Group as well as a comparative analysis of the reservoirs.
Cross-sections and other pertinent data will be presented that will demonstrate the regional correlations and the methodology used to arrive at them.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90944©1997 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma