Abstract: Coal Geology of McIntosh and Muskogee Counties, Oklahoma
McIntosh and Muskogee Counties are located in the east-central part of the coal belt of eastern Oklahoma. Coal-bearing strata of Desmoinesian (Middle Pennsylvanian) age underlie nearly all of McIntosh County and (approx.) 500 sq mi in the western two-thirds of Muskogee County. Prior to the investigations by the Oklahoma Geological Survey in recent years, the coal geology of the two-county area has been poorly understood.
In McIntosh County eight coal beds have been shown to have commercial potential: Stigler (McAlester Formation); Rowe (Savanna Formation); Lower Witteville, Secor, Peters Chapel (new name), and Wainwright (Boggy Formation); and Mineral and Croweburg (Senora Formation). Remaining resources of coal in the county total 36,319,000 short tons, and reserves total 5,437,000 short tons.
In Muskogee County ten coal beds have been shown to have commercial potential: Hartshorne (Hartshorne Formation); Keefton (new name), and Stigler (McAlester Formation); Spaniard and Rowe (Savanna Formation); Secor, Peters Chapel, and Wainwright (Boggy Formation); and Tebo and Croweburg (Senora Formation). Remaining resources in the county total 95,557,000 short tons, and reserves
total 11,141,000 short tons.Coals of the two-county area are predominantly of high-volatile A bituminous (hvAb) rank. In Muskogee County the Hartshorne, Keefton, and Secor coals have much lower sulfur contents than the others, averaging (approx.) 1.1%. In McIntosh County the Secor coal has the lowest sulfur content, averaging (approx.) 2.5%. The combined average sulfur content of all the other coals in the two counties averages (approx.) 5%.
In the past coal has been mined by both underground and surface methods in the area. No coal is being produced in either county at the present time.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90944©1997 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma