Abstract: Examples of Scale-Independent Structural Models from the Arbuckle Mountains as Examples for Subsurface Interpretations
Outcrop exposures of structural features in the Arbuckle Mountains are often used as "examples" for subsurface interpretations. If such examples are to be true models, it is critical to establish that such features are scale-independent. By recognition of scale independence, a structural geometry that is readily observed at one scale, may be applied across several orders of magnitude.
A variety of fault and fold geometries which can be demonstrated to be scale independent and are thus useful models for subsurface interpretations include the following: (1) Ramp and Flat geometry of thrust faults; (2) Lateral Ramps of major thrusts; (3) Berg's Fold-thrust model; (4) Fault-Propagation folding; (5) Conical termination of folds.
Outcrop photographs as well as surface map analysis will be presented as techniques for interpretations of these and other features.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90944©1997 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma