ABSTRACT: Novel Processing and Facies and Tectonic Results from North Louisiana Seismic Data
The Structural and Formational Interpretation (SFI) technique developed in Moscow, Russia, principally for seismic reflection data, has been developed to provide an integrated analysis of time sections and provide results from proprietary procedures such as Spectral and Temporal ANalysis (STAN). There is a need for models, geologic and geophysical, in any interpretation (equally applicable to sequence stratigraphy). The SFI technique uses all stratal information available in a hierarchical frame, from individual sediment grains to members, formations, and series (as in reverse order, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th orders in sequence stratigraphy). Formational complexes are determined, including spectral and temporal characteristics, with attention toward unconformity interpretation. Determination of hierarchical rank may be accomplished by using frequency ranges; 10-15 Hz, 20-25 Hz, and 50-55 Hz, for example. When formations are studied within the seismic data, they are designated as seismoformations (SF) with given geometries and dimensions. Often SFs (members and subformations) can be identified as certain seismic facies and, as such, related to a definite sedimentation environment, SFI becomes a mechanism for finer study by applying narrow band filters to locate specific facies (geometries, sizes, and spectral) and formations.
SFI techniques have been applied to a dip section in Winn County, northern Louisiana. Traditional tectonic interpretations have been of normal, down-to-the-basin/south-dipping faults. Trend analysis at various frequencies indicate numerous counter-regional faults with thrust components at depths between one and three seconds.
Seismic data with finer resolution indicates mound configurations near the basal Hosston, channel-like/concave-upward features in the Hosston, lens-shaped bodies (possible slump blocks) in the Midway, and prograding wedges with possible carbonate buildups in the Mouringsport, providing additional seismic facies date not obtained from classical sequence stratigraphy.
SFI, with its dependence on digital data processing, frequency-based analysis, and seismic unit determinations, is an excellent compliment to the visually-based, geometry-oriented sequence stratigraphy.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90941©1997 GCAGS 47th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana