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Abstract: Stratigraphic Evaluation of Petroleum Migration and Seals Using Fluid Inclusion and Rock Pyrolysis Volatiles: Application to Three Deep Wells, Onshore Trinidad

Michael P. Smith, Robert J. Pottorf, Mark A. Sykes

Advanced Hydrocarbon Stratigraphy Inc.'s fluid inclusion and rock pyrolysis well profiles evaluate petroleum migration and seals. Up to five hundred cuttings samples are typically analyzed for a 15,000 ft well. Compounds analyzed include methane and other paraffins, naphthenes, benzene, toluene, carbon dioxide and a range of other minor compounds. The utility of this new technology is demonstrated using three deep exploration wells drilled onshore Trinidad, one of which was analyzed while drilling.

Exploration utility of this new technology includes detecting oil or gas migration through a dry hole without shows, whether oil has migrated through a gas-charged reservoir and seal location.

Non-collective fluid inclusion volatile stratigraphy evaluates petroleum migration, product types and seals. Petroleum migration is manifested as large compartments of petroleum inclusion-bearing strata. Inclusion volatiles can be characterized as oil, wet gas, dry gas, biodegraded oil, or as exhibiting no evidence of migration. Seals occur between petroleum inclusion-rich compartments and strata having no evidence of migration, or between compartments containing distinctly different petroleum inclusion types. Rock pyrolysis volatile stratigraphy evaluates source rock and sequence stratigraphy and the distribution of carbonates, sulfates and clays.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90951©1996 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Caracas, Venezuela