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Abstract: Petroleum Exploration Plays of the Onshore Doula//Kribi-Campo of Cameroon, West Africa

Richard Seme Abomo

Generally, rifting and drifting phases characterize the Douala/Kribi Campo Formation. The rifting Previous HitphaseNext Hit resulted from a progressive northward plate tectonic evolution, which extended from Late Jurassic to Neocomian-Turonian time, involving both an extensional process and strike-slip movements along fracture zones.

The drifting Previous HitphaseNext Hit was established during the Albian period, with the first marine incursion in the basin. During this Previous HitphaseNext Hit, sedimentation was controlled by such factors as sea level variations, drainage systems and climate.

Consequently, the onshore sector of the Douala/Kribi-Campo Basin can be subdivided into two major areas with different petroleum exploration plays.

The southern area in which the rifting Previous HitphaseNext Hit has thick Albo-Aptian sediments of terrigenous and clastics nature. These were deposited in coalescing fan deltas, locations of which were controlled by collapsed and tilted blocks. Trangressive deposits of the drifting Previous HitphaseNext Hit overlie the erosional surface.

In the northen area, the rifting Previous HitphaseNext Hit consists of a system of horsts and grabens of Aptian time. The drifting Previous HitphaseTop consists of shelf sandstones and Upper Cretaceous turbiditic deposits.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90951©1996 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Caracas, Venezuela