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Abstract: The Petroleum System Concept in the Sergipe Basin, Northeasthern Brazil

M. R. Mello, E. A. M. Koutsoukos, W. U. Mohriak, G. Bacoccoli, A. S. T. Netto, F. T. T. Goncalves

The application of a multidisciplinary approach involving geochemical, sedimentological, geophysical, and microbiostratigraphic research, has greatly enhanced the level of understanding of some of the most representative petroleum systems in the Brazilian South Atlantic Margin.

Investigation of the data allowed the characterization in time and space of the petroleum pathways from source rock to trap, which represent the oil in-place in reservoir rocks ranging from Neocomian to Tertiary in age.

Two major petroleum systems were selected as representative case-studies from various stages of basin formation in Brazilian South Atlantic basins (1) the pro-and syn-rift sequence, in the Camamu basin near the eastern tip of Brazil, and (2) the drift sequence, the Campos F basin, offshore Campos near Rio de Janeiro in southeast Brazil.

Although there are other oil source rocks of Aptian, Albian, Cenomanian/Turonian and Tertiary ages in the South Atlantic margin, about 90% of the known petroleum in Brazil originates from Lower Cretaceous source rocks deposited in lacustrine environments in the proto-Atlantic rift. With respect to oil-bearing reservoir rocks, the most prolific ones, by volume, are siliciclastic turbidites deposited into bathyal water depths during the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90951©1996 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Caracas, Venezuela