Abstract: Megaregional Seismic Lines as Indicators of Oil and Gas
Allen J. Bertagne, Nat G. Smith
One way to quickly identify the most attractive plays in a given basin is through interpretation of regional seismic profiles in combination with adjacent well data and other geologic data. Such transects can provide insights into: 1) the location of economic basement, 2) maturation history and migration pathways, and 3) regional structure and stratigraphy and can thereby help understand present plays and recognize new plays.
This poster session presents seismic data from the Megaregional Project and includes examples from the Magallanes, Oriente and Maranon basins. These foreland basins, located east of the Andes, underwent extension followed by a compression which resulted in east-vergent thrusting or high angle reverse faulting. Each basin includes productive plays although reserves depend largely on reservoir quality and size of structures. Future exploration in these basins will focus on deeper objectives and in the structurally complex areas near their western boundaries.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90951©1996 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Caracas, Venezuela